Pengamatan GRMO-136 Ningen Seluruh Proses Bagaimana Hubungan Sinkron Yang Baik Dan Sehat, Apa Pun Jenis Kelaminnya, Dapat Dengan Cepat Berubah Menjadi Hubungan Seksual Yang Terinspirasi Oleh Pornografi.

Judul Asli: GRMO-136 ニンゲン観察 性別関係なく仲良しで健全な同期関係も、AVに触発されあっという間に性的関係へと変わる一部始終。

A man and a woman who seem to be colleagues who were drinking on a Friday night. A mistake is discovered in the presentation material for the beginning of the week, and they decide to work overtime at the guy's house in a hurry. They resume drinking after successfully completing the materials, and decide to watch a female-oriented pornographic film together that the man is handling for his upcoming job. The two were perplexed by the unusual atmosphere, but it seems that their healthy relationship turned into an erotic one with just one chance encounter.